3DS MAX插件-地形路面模拟工具 SplineLand V1.053 Win破解版3DS Max插件、插件


SplineLand是一款适用于3DS MAX的插件,可以帮助用户快速创建复杂的地形和道路网络。它的主要功能是根据用户定义的曲线和参数自动生成地形和道路,可以节省大量的时间和精力,同时提高效率和质量。



SplineLand is a plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max that helps to generate topographically accurate terrains from a set of splines and lay roads. Without SplineLand it is almost impossible to achieve such accurate results in 3ds Max. Now you can do it quickly, in just a few clicks your topographical data in form of splines can become a terrain.